
After the election is over, the voting records from each polling location are aggregated and tallied by the trustees. [1] They each submit a share of the decrypted tallies to the coordinator. [2] The coordinator may request fragments of shares from trustees in order to compensate for missing trustees. [3] Then the coordinator combines the shares to form the decrypted tallies, and publishes them along with the necessary information for external verifiers to verify the tallies, and for individual voters to verify that their vote was included in the tally. [4]

[3]Decryption_Coordinator_all_shares_received(), Decryption_Trustee_compute_fragments()


It’s easy to get confused if we aren’t careful about distinguishing between a trustee’s portion of a decrypted total (which I refer to as a share) and a trustee’s portion of some other missing trustee’s portion of a decrypted total (which I refer to as a share fragment). I think it’s okay if we also use share to refer to the pieces of the other trustee’s private keys, because in both cases every trustee has exactly \(n\) of them.


After the election, the encrypted totals need to be transported to each trustee individually and combined to form the voting record of the election. [5] Independently, each trustee then computes their share of the decrypted tallies. [6]



Each trustee announces their presence by publishing their share of the encrypted tally. [7] The proof of correctness ensures that each trustee is actually in possession of that trustee’s private key.



Once the coordinator decides that all trustees who are going to announce have announced, it checks how many trustees have announced. [8]

  1. If fewer than the threshold have announced, error.

  2. If enough trustees have announced to reach the threshold, it returns a list of requests for some of the announced trustees. These requests must be passed to the trustees, who will respond with share fragments to fulfill those requests. [9]

    It is up to the coordinator how to split the task of compensating for missing trustees between the announced trustees. The coordinator can choose not to produce requests for some of the announced trustees, or to produce requests that request no fragments.


After all missing trustees have been compensated for, the coordinator publishes the decrypted totals and the necessary information to verify the election. [10]
