Key Ceremony

The key ceremony is carried out between \(n\) trustees and a single coordinator. Its purpose is to ensure that the coordinator possesses an joint public key, and that each trustee possesses: - a private key - all the trustees’ public keys - a set of key shares that allow the trustee to, as a part of a group of at least \(k\) trustees, to decrypt a missing trustee’s share of a message encrypted with the aggregate public key.

Key Generation

  1. Each trustee generates a key pair, [1] producing a key-generated message.
  2. These \(n\) key-generated messages are passed to the coordinator. [2]
  3. The coordinator produces an all-keys-received message, [3] which must be passed back to each trustee. [4]

Share Generation

  1. Each trustee, having received an all-keys-received message, computes a key share for every trustee, and encrypts each key share with the corresponding trustee’s public key to produce a shares-generated message [5].
  2. These \(n\) shares-generated messages are passed to the coordinator [6].
  3. The coordinator produces a all-shares-received message, [7] which must be passed back to each trustee. [8]


  1. Each trustee, having received an all-shares-received message, decrypts its shares of the other trustees keys and verifies that they match the commitments in their public keys, producing a shares-verified message. [9]
  2. These \(n\) shares-verified messages are passed to the coordinator. [10]
  3. The coordinator produces a joint public key. [11]